✨ Campo Hermoso Wush Wush, Colombia
Funky, fruktig, smaksbombe!
Tropisk frukt, bringebær, sjokolade.
Funky, fruktig, smaksbombe!
Tropisk frukt, bringebær, sjokolade.
Funky, fruktig, smaksbombe!
Tropisk frukt, bringebær, sjokolade.
Campo hermoso
Bønnetype: Wush Wush
Prosess: Bærtørket
Region: Circasia, Quindio
Produsent: Edwin Noreña
Høyde: 1550 m.o.h.
250g: 395,-
1 kg: 1422,- (10% rabatt)
Campo Hermoso is a Family heritage, from Don-Enrique Noreña. Edwin his youngest son (Santuario Partner in Colombia), inherited the passion for coffee growing. Six years ago, Santuario Project and Campo Hermoso joint forces to develop innovative coffee processes to enhance flavors on each of the origins that Santuario Project has Farms. A new Research & Development center was built in Armenia(2023) , to reserch new techniques to process coffees. Santuario and Campo hermoso, have a receiving station in San Adolfo Huila with 28 farmers involved on the Santuario Program, a new Farm in Argelia Valle del Cauca was recently planted with Sudan Rume and Exotic Varietals.
Welcome to Campo Hermoso Coffee Farm, where natural beauty intertwines with excellence in service and the high quality of coffees. Behind every memorable experience at our estate, there is a man whose passion and vision have brought this beautiful project to life: Edwin Noreña.
He comes from a fourth generation of coffee-growing families, both paternal and maternal. In fact, his parents met on a coffee farm. He is the youngest of 10 siblings; His father died when he was 15 years old and he is the only one in the family who continues with the project.
Coffee farming became his lifestyle since childhood, and later became his passion. That is why he decided to study agroindustrial engineering and at the same time take over the management of the coffee farm.
The Campo Hermoso Farm project operates in the departments where the highest-quality coffee beans are produced, collaborating with associated farms and producers who have been trained and capacitated. They collect the harvest and initiate an initial phase of fermentation before sending their best coffee cherries to the central processing, research, and development facility located at Campo Hermoso Farm.
The cherries, previously sorted and selected from our own farms or allied producers, undergo a monitored fermentation process lasting between 24 to 96 hours, depending on the variety and the desired nuance. Our farm is a pioneer in the development and use of «mosto.»
Our mosto technique includes the use of other 100% natural materials for flavor modulation, such as hops (used in the beer industry), commercial yeasts (used in the wine industry), dehydrated organic fruits (used in the food industry), and organic aromatic plants. This not only allows us to produce exceptional coffees with high-quality standards but also results in a beverage with nutraceutical properties.