Kii AB, Kenya

fra 239,00 kr

Saftig, fyldig, kompleks.
Plomme, hibiscus, bringebær.


Saftig, fyldig, kompleks.
Plomme, hibiscus, bringebær.

Saftig, fyldig, kompleks.
Plomme, hibiscus, bringebær.


Bønnetype: SL28, SL34, Ruiru, Batian
Prosess: Vasket
Region: Kirinyaga
Produsent: Rungeto Famers Co-op
Høyde: 1600-1700 m.o.h.


Kii Factory is one of three owned and operated by Rungeto Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS). Rungeto has over 850 members, many of whom deliver cherry to Kii. The factory itself was constructed in 1995, nestled at the foot of Mt. Kenya. The Kii River, which runs nearby, gives the factory both its name and clean water for washing fine, Fully washed coffees.

In recent years, great efforts have been made to improve and ensure coffee quality from Kii. These measures are evident in the consistently complex and clean coffees produced.


Smallholders selectively handpick only ripe cherry and deliver it to Kii Factory. At intake, the Cherry Clerk oversees meticulous visual sorting, accepting only dense, ripe cherry. The quality for which Kii coffee is known is directly impacted by this stringent approach to detail.

After intake, cherry is pulped and fermented for approximately 16-24 hours, depending on ambient temperature at the time. Following fermentation, coffee is washed in clean water from the Kii River and soaked for 12 hours. Newly installed tiles in the washing channels help preserve coffee and water quality, and all water used in processing is also cleaned by filtering in earthen pits before being reintroduced to local waterways.

After washing and grading, parchment is laid to dry on raised beds. Workers rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. They cover drying parchment during the hottest time of day, to maintain slow, even drying and at night, to shelter parchment from moisture. It takes approximately 14 days for parchment to dry.


Kirinyaga County is nestled at the foothills of Mt. Kenya, roughly 112 km from Nairobi. The region is well-known for its exceptional coffee. Sucafina partners with numerous coffee farmers and cooperatives in the region, working with them to improve processing capacity, access to agricultural inputs and agricultural practices.

The locals in this area call Mt. Kenya ‘Kirinyaga’, the namesake of the county, meaning the crest of whiteness due to its famous snow-capped peaks.

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